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Email Popups

7 Tips for Designing Engaging Email Popups

Benefits of Email Popups

There are many benefits to using email popups on your website. Let us discuss some of the most popular and well-known benefits.

Email Popups have three main purposes:

1. To draw attention to a new or updated product or service on your site,

2. To generate conversions by prompting visitors to take the desired action on your site,

3. To generate leads by asking visitors for their contact information.

Below are the 7 tips to design an engaging email newsletter popup:

1. Choose the right content to increase conversions

Ultimately, it is up to the copywriter to think about the content that they are writing and how it is going to affect conversions. When copywriters make a decision that does not have the best conversion rate, then they should reevaluate their choices.

By being more aware of what kind of content will increase conversions, you may be able to increase your sales or get more traffic on your site.

Examples of high converting email popup copy:

Content optimization can be performed by creating a couple of variations of the copy and use A/B testing to evaluate which copy converts better in the email newsletter popup.

2. Capture the attention of your visitors

A website without visitors is a waste of time. It does not matter how great your website design or the quality of your content is if nobody visits it. 

Once they visit your website you need to capture their attention immediately and provide value.

In order to capture the attention of your visitors, you should make sure that your website contains all elements that are necessary to attract visitors and keep them engaged.

You need to offer them valuable content, which answers their questions and provides all information they may need about the product or service you are trying to sell.

Visitors are often drawn in by engaging headlines, interesting images, or videos.

When it comes to headlines, we can advise using a question as a headline for example: “What’s Your Favorite Fruit?” Or “Do You Know These Signs?”

Images have an even bigger impact on engagement levels than video clips because they can catch the viewers.

Use exit popups effectively to showcase your value in front of your website visitors as they grab their attention.

Below is an example of popups that grab visitor attention:

3. Use social media marketing to get more conversions

Social media marketing is the fastest and most affordable way to get more conversions in today’s digital world. It also provides a great way to build an interactive community that will continue to grow.

Social media marketing has been around for years, but it has only been recently that it has seen significant use in the marketing space and created a great return on investment.

Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and more are all social media platforms that can be used to reach out to customers through posts and ads.

Being active on social media helps in bringing traffic to the website and in turn increases conversions. 

4. Offer a limited time offer through email popups

A limited-time offer is a way of stimulating purchases from your website visitors. It can be a special promotional offer on one product or the entire store.

This type of offer should be temporary, but still, give your customers enough time to make their decision.

The best way to do this is by giving them XX days to make their decision and experiment with them by using different popup types like Slide-ins, Notification bars, Full-screen.

They are usually called “limited time offers,” which means that they will expire at a certain point in the future.

For example, if you are selling T-shirts, you might advertise that they are available for purchase for 10 days only.

5. Use email popups as a pricing strategy

Email pop-ups are a pricing strategy that is often used in eCommerce.

Email pop-ups are triggered by a visitor’s action on the webpage, usually when they click to add the product to their cart or buy it. A pop-up that appears when the visitor clicks “buy” might be asking for more information before purchase, such as their email address.

This strategy works because it limits the number of conversions to those who have a greater interest in your product and want more information about it before making a purchase decision.

6. Include a CTA in your email popup design to increase engagement

Everyone knows that one of the most crucial elements in email design is a call to action. But what if you could increase engagement by including a CTA in your popup design, too?

Including CTAs in your popup design can lead to increased conversions.

It will help you stand out from the crowd and become more memorable. Plus, it’s an easy way to quickly get visitors on-site and turn them into leads or customers.

7. Make it personal and include customer testimonials

This section is all about how to make your copy more personal, with the specific focus on adding customer testimonials.

Adding customer testimonials to your copy can help you turn a string of words into a story that captures the need of the reader. You show them what they could achieve by doing what you’re telling them to do.

And it’s not just that their lives will be improved, but they will also feel better about themselves and their past because they’re taking this action.

I want to share an example from one of my favorite books: “Eat That Frog” by Brian Tracy.

The author starts out by talking about how he used to feel as a child when he was in school and had a frog in his pocket while eating breakfast for lunch but didn’t eat.


The tips in this blog post should help you with designing email popups for your business. With so many different options, making that choice about what type of popup to use can be difficult.

We hope this article can help you to make the choice a lot easier.

If you have any other questions about this topic, please contact us anytime at

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Thank you for reading and we hope you found this blog post to be helpful!