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Email Popup

Top 10 Email Popups Examples to Get More Newsletter Subscribers in 2024

Have you ever thought email marketing is the best way to communicate with customers? In fact, for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can get an average of $40 in return. Considering these statistics, it is no surprise that 81% of small businesses use email marketing to build customer relationships, launch products and increase sales. Though it is a fact that email marketing can be used to do all that but, first of all, one needs to build the email list. And to be sure, top email popup designs are the perfect way to get more email subscribers

The process of growing your email list is not easy; however, when you have good and strategically top email popupd designs, your subscriber number will be increased significantly. Through this blog, we will discuss the top 10 email popup examples and share the best practices to achieve the maximum effectiveness of them.

In the blog, we will show you how you can acquire new subscribers by using newsletter popup forms and we will show top 10 email popup examples to help you to get inspired.

What is Email Popup?

Email Popup

A top email popup design is a digital marketing tool that has the purpose to capture the email addresses of website visitors, mostly, utilized for gathering the mailing list of the websites for email marketing campaigns.

These top email popup designs are programmed to appear on a webpage under certain conditions, for example, when a user indicates that he/she wants to leave the page after he/she has spent a particular amount of time on the site, or when the user is scrolling through the content.

The main purpose of an email popup is to offer to the visitors a value proposition in exchange of their email address. This may be expressed in the way of discounts, free ebooks, newsletters, or updates about new products or services.

The success of an email popup mostly depends on its timing, the relevance of the offered incentive, and the attractiveness of the offered discount.

For example, a popup that offers a relevant downloadable resource would be more effective than a popup that simply asks visitors to subscribe for updates.

Design and user experience are the key factors in the successful implementation of email popups. A well-designed popup that is compatible with your website’s style can increase user engagement. However, poorly designed pop-ups or problems they cause users can cause users to become frustrated and bounce more often.

To reduce the possible negative effects, the websites choose more discreet methods such as slide-ins, floating bars, or, for example, the popups shown with delays.

Overall we can say that top email popup designs can play a most important role in the growth of an email list and the promotion of direct marketing.

Here We Share Top 10 Email Popups Examples and Practice:

1. The Welcome Discount Popup

Welcome Discount Popup

The Welcome Discount Popup is the formula to the Scenario of a challenger initiative.


ASOS, the fashion retailer, uses the welcome popup to give first-time subscribers a 10% discount.

Best Practice: 

Provide a clear and fast discount or free shipping to the users to get them to subscribe. Make sure the offer is appropriate and valuable to your target audience.

2. The Exit Intent Popup

Exit Intent Popup


Software company xyz has an exit intent popup that activates when a visitor is about to leave the site, providing a free ebook relevant to the page the visitor was visiting.

Best Practice: 

Exit intent popups capabilities should be used to get the attention of the potential leads by giving them something interesting. Maintain the targeted message in line with what they were viewing the product to enhance the probability of conversion.

3. The Time Delay Popup

Time Delay Popup


BuzzFeed features a time delay popup that appears after visitors have faced a certain time on a page, inviting  them to subscribe for more quizzes and stories.

Best Practice:

Set a reasonable delay (e.G., 30 seconds) before displaying the popup to allow website visitors to interact together with your content first. This makes them more likely to subscribe.

4. The Scroll-Triggered Popup

Scroll-Triggered Popup


The New Yorker has a popup that is triggered by the scroll of the reader once he/she has passed 60% of a page, thus offering a subscription to their magazine.

Best Practice:

Pop up the ad after the user has shown his/her interest in your content but before the user leaves the page. It is about discovering the perfect combination of two vehicles on their journey of engagement, which is the sweet spot.

5. The Content Upgrade Popup

Content Upgrade Popup

Content upgrade popups are a modern feature in web browsers that allow you to improve the quality of the content you are viewing by adding words, phrases, or previews.


Through specific content enhancements, Neil Patel, the digital marketer, is able to present the visitors with popups that are properly designed to fit the content they are reading.

Best Practice: 

A very relevant and specific offer that together with the content the visitor is interested in will be presented to him, for example, a detailed guide or extra tips.

6. The Fullscreen Welcome Mat

Fullscreen Welcome Mat

The concept of the fullscreen welcome mat refers to the clever approach individuals adopt to showcase their expertise and knowledge on a particular subject, while simultaneously welcoming others to join in.

Fullscreen pop up templates are highly effective in capturing the visitor’s attention as they occupy the entire screen. They work like a mini landing web page.


The expansive welcome mat featuring Forbes’ daily “Quote of the Day” not only grabs the attention of users but also motivates them to sign up for daily insights. However, 

Best Practice:

Use this type of pop ups templates for delivering a strong, singular message. Do not use it for delivering multiple messages.

7. The Sidebar Popup

Sidebar Popup


A subscription offer is displayed in a sidebar popup on the blog “Smart Passive Income” while you are reading an article.

Best Practice:

Verify that it is clearly visible but not in the way. The sidebar popup should be noticeable but not to the point of taking away from the main content.

8. The Gamified Popup

Gamified Popup


The fashion retailer SHEIN introduces a spin-the-wheel popup game that provides discounts if the players take out their email addresses.

Best Practice: 

Turn it into a game and you would enjoy it! Pop-ups that are gamified can raise the engagement rates considerably. Clarify the rules of the game and assure that the rewards are meaningful.

9. The Seasonal Popup

Seasonal Popup


The online retailer ModCloth, which has the seasonal popups such as for Black Friday, for example, is offering to the subscribers the exclusive deals that are specially for the season.

Best Practice: 

Making retargeting popups depend on the current events or the season will help them to be more relevant and timelier. Besides, this also emphasizes relevance and urgency which in turn makes the visitors to act fast.

10 Minimalist Popup:

Minimalist Popup:


“Subscribe for Updates.”

The minimalist popup features a simple and clear message, asking users to subscribe for updates without any distractions.

General Best Practices for Email Popups:

Keep it Simple: Be mindful of using simple and short phrases in your popups. The overly complicated message can be a reason for the escape of the potential subscribers.

Be Mobile-Friendly: Check that your popups are visually appealing and mobile-friendly.

Respect User Experience: Do not bother users with an excess of popups.

Using these top email popup designs examples and best practices, you can design effective top email popups that not only grab attention but also convert visitors into lifetime subscribers.